After a fruitful first meeting in December 2021, ELI project reporter Christiane Wendehorst as well as project assistants Yannic Duller, Nina Hafner-Thomic and Sebastian Schwamberger met once again with Charly Gordon from the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris (ICC). The virtual meeting focused on a prospective dissemination activity, which focuses on SME worldwide in all kinds of sectors, and the ways such businesses can get involved in the data economy. Despite potential benefits and immense value of data, SME are still hesitant to share their data, often due to a lack of know-how and best practices. Thus, it is vital to support SME by showing them which roles they can take in the data economy and what to consider when sharing data with other businesses.
Updates on this prospective activity and other news on the Principles for a Data Economy can be accessed through our website The team is also currently working on the finalisation of the ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy and is preparing the Principles for their publication. Please find a full text version of the latest draft of the Principles (ELI Final Council Draft) via this link.
“The Data Economy and Your Business” – new dissemination activities with regard to the ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy